Monday, December 9, 2013

Water quality is vital for Koi to be healthy

Koi pond filters are a must for a pond as they make sure that the fish do not poison themselves from the toxins that they produce.

The biological filters are the easiest to maintain. Apart from this there are mechanical, chemical and ultraviolet koi pond filters that are available in the market. While the echanical filters are used for removing solid waste and large debris such as fallen leaves, the ultra violet filter kills algae, small parasites, and bacteria. As koi fish are highly dependent on water quality, most pond owners go out of their way to install good filtration systems. Most serous koi keepers have a net and viewing tub to ensure that the fish are healthy and the pond is clean always.

While constructing a koi pond, fibreglassing is installed to enhance the beauty of the pond. The key things to be checked is the glass needs to be waterproof, and secondly and very important it has to be smooth with no projecting fibers. Most people opt for koi pond fibreglassing to have the best possible finish. The advantages of fiber glass are wide range of designs, UV resistant, non corrosive, extremely easy to clean because of the glossy finish, very strong and durable allowing for rocks and potted plants to be placed and can be finished in almost any color.
Everything can be customized to the extent of adding water features, steps and ledges in the pond. There is very low maintenance as far the fiber glass is concerned.

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